
November 2023

November 2023 Newsletter As harvest season is in full swing, we, as owners of a small family farm, are thrilled to pass on our blessings to our customers. Alongside our dedication to hard work, we carry the legacy and wisdom inherited from our forefathers. This is the root of the rich difference you will find …Continue reading
October 2023

October 2023 Newsletter It is another fall morning and I hear the temperatures may reach 80 degrees today. Our two boys, 14 and 12 years old, start their day with milking our family’s jersey cow. What a treat! Fresh, creamy milk from a grass-fed jersey cow. We have plenty of butter, yogurt and ice cream …Continue reading
September 2023

September 2023 Newsletter Greetings to all supporters. My family grows an array of vegetables for the co-operative – onions, cauliflower, cabbage, watermelons, and butternut squash. We are finished with the onion harvest and are pleased with the crop. Hopefully the other crops will continue to thrive. As some of you may know, this monthly newsletter …Continue reading
August 2023

August 2023 Newsletter From the Farm JournalThis month, we continue to highlight what a day in the life looks like for one of our cooperative member-owners. A core value of ours is connection with the families we feed. If you have any questions about Amish culture or living, please call, mail us a letter (address …Continue reading
July 2023

July 2023 Newsletter Greetings to all from Kinfork, here in the mountains and valleys of central Pennsylvania. In our brand messaging, we often say ‘Experience the rich difference of a simple life’. You may wonder, how does this reflect our values? Living on the small family farm we strive to keep it simple. The farms …Continue reading
June 2023

June 2023 Newsletter Life on the farm is always full of surprises, and springtime is no exception. It’s a season bursting with energy, when you never know what’s around the corner. Sometimes you have to look closely, and other times, well, the action just slaps you right in the face. Take last weekend, for example. …Continue reading
May 2023

May 2023 Newsletter I write Spring time greetings to all who read. Spring is a wonderful time to be alive and celebrate the change of seasons. Here on the farm, we are enjoying spring to the fullest. The flowering trees are blooming. The grass fields and hillside pastures are a lush green. The birds are …Continue reading
April 2023

April 2023 Newsletter Greetings to all who read these lines. I write today to educate and share about life on the family farm with a focus on how we use horses in agriculture. We are member-owners and producers for the co-operative. Our family consists of my wife and me, and five boys ranging in age …Continue reading
November 2022

Eat well, live happy. November 2022 Newsletter Beef and cheese are ready to ship – shop now on ChopLocal Sign up for the ChopLocal newsletter and receive a25% off coupon validFriday 11/25 – Monday 11/28 Enjoy an extra 10% off all items on Saturday 11/26 November is wedding season in our community. Weddings are hosted every Tuesday and Thursday, and …Continue reading
October 2022

October 2022 Newsletter One of the many things we farmers in the co-operative agree upon is Fall is the best time of year to milk cows. The weather is cool, the pasture is lush, and the cows are enjoying a comfortable life. Much joy is found at the end of the growing season while we …Continue reading
September 2022

September 2022 Newsletter Check our a feature on Kinfork in Forbes. In our effort to communicate the value of our product, we have been leveraging storytelling expert David Riemer’s book to get our startup story straight. We are excited to share David’s take on our work to-date as we bring Kinfork products to market. The …Continue reading
August 2022

August 2022 Newsletter A dry June and July has produced a particularly bountiful onion harvest. As soon as the onions are collected, our farmers quickly plant Fall cabbage. This crop rotation is intense work but essential. The coolers are full of fresh produce arriving daily from the fields. Our dedicated team is swiftly washing, packing, …Continue reading