September 2022
September 2022 Newsletter
Check our a feature on Kinfork in Forbes. In our effort to communicate the value of our product, we have been leveraging storytelling expert David Riemer’s book to get our startup story straight. We are excited to share David’s take on our work to-date as we bring Kinfork products to market.
The rain has been plentiful this month and the temperatures have eased off their summer highs. Our native grasses thrive in these conditions, providing our dairy and beef cattle with ideal late-summer growth for grazing.
Beef purchasing options for both local pickup and ship to home now include variety bundles and discount pricing on volume ground beef. In need of offal? We’ve got that too.
Give us a call or visit our store on ChopLocal to place your order.
We are entering the season for Fall crops and they are nearly ready for harvest. Cauliflower and cabbage will be available to ship starting September 26th, followed by Butternut squash. Please call or email for pricing.
In addition to boxed cauliflower, we also offer jacket cauliflower in bins.
Our 2.5lb and 5lb cheese block sizes are perfect for making deli sandwiches and shredding.
We sell both Cheddar and Monterey Jack by the case and can ship direct to your store or home.
Contact us by phone or email for samples and pricing.
Visit us at our new facility, located in the heart of Brush Valley
4657 Brush Valley Rd Madisonburg, PA 16852
Beef and cheese are ready to ship – shop now on ChopLocal