
Welcome to the Kinfork Farms store. We are a farmer-owned co-operative of over 40 small, diversified family farms in Central PA. Our Plain community culture helps to make Kinfork unique. A strong work ethic and traditional community values sustain our simple way of life.

We graze our cattle on pasture. We offer two finishing options:

Grassfed | Grass-Finished
Grass from start to finish. Typically, a leaner, less greasy meat, grass-fed/grass-finished beef delivers vibrant flavors of the earth.

Grassfed | Grain-Finished
Provided access to grain when finishing, our cattle continue to grazeon pasture, producing a vivid marbling for a buttery flavor.

We ship orders on Monday and Tuesday. – 10% Discount for Local Order Pickup. Our storefront is located at 4657 Brush Valley Road, Madisonburg, PA. Open 8 am – 3pm M-F.

Please feel free to browse and shop and if ever you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us via mail or by phone 814-349-5290. We will do everything possible to answer your questions and get your products headed your way as quickly as possible.

The Introduction Package

The Introduction Bundle


Start the Grill

Start the Grill Bundle


Bulk Ground Beef

Bulk Ground Beef Box


1/4 Beef

1/4 Locker Beef
