
Grassfed Beef

The Story of Kinfork Beef

The temperate climate of Pennsylvania’s central mountain valleys provide ideal conditions for growing nutritious grasses. Rotationally grazed on the rolling pastures in small herds, our cattle enjoy succulent forages and comfortable temperatures.
Freezer beef for sale
Stocking up for winter or prepping for a barbecue? We’ve got plenty of locker beef (wholes, halves, and quarters) and freezer beef for sale. Choose from a diversity of individually wrapped cuts and finishes for palate-pampering dishes.

Pastured for Life
Grassfed | Grain-Finished Beef
Provided access to grain when finishing, our cattle continue to graze on pasture, producing vivid marbling for a buttery flavor.
Grassfed | Grass-Finished Beef
Grass from start to finish. Typically a leaner, less greasy meat, grass-fed/grass-finished beef delivers vibrant flavors of the earth.
Our Beef Practices
Pasture raised start to finish. Rotationally grazed to cycle nutrients in our soil.
Antibiotic &
Thriving on pasture, our cattle are treated with love, not drugs.
Cared for as part of the farm family, enjoying a peaceful and healthy life.
Simple &
Grass harvesting the sun, cattle harvesting the grass. No machines needed.

The Kinfork Connection
Unique to our times is the connection between the meat we eat and where it’s raised. When you buy with Kinfork, you know the source. As Amish family farmers, we are committed to traditional, regenerative farming practices that protect the land and the animal.
Connect with Kinfork and experience the rich difference of a simple life.
Eat well, live happy.